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Friday, January 22, 2010

Finally, NASCAR Takes A Positive Form

Negative focus seems to always be put on NASCAR, even when there is not much negativity to talk about. It almost seems as if NASCAR has more critics than any other sport. Now that may or may not be true. However, it doesn't quite matter, we might have just found a way to hush all those critics: listening to the fans.

Although it seems like it took forever, NASCAR is finally taking in fan imput(well, at least more than usual.) It all started with double file restarts.....shootout style, last year. Although that was a change that seems like it took place a long time ago, it still was a start. This change was a result of the feedback from the fans. It seems NASCAR has actually figured out that when they listen to the fans, there is usually a good outcome. In fact, it is very probable that the restart rule was one of the best changes in all of NASCAR history.

Now recently, as most of us know, NASCAR has made another set of changes. The loosening of bump-drafting rules as well as a larger restrictor plate and a spoiler have brought even more positivity into the sport.

My point? The critics better find another way to bash this amazing sport because I'm pretty sure we found a good way to shut them up.

****Special note to NASCAR: Good Job!

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