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Saturday, July 24, 2010

After a day like Saturday, there is proof that NASCAR needs online streaming access

Sitting in my house with ESPN on, I am waiting for NASCAR Sprint Cup final practice coverage to begin. I see that there are about 5 minutes until the start of the coverage, so I decide to put myself through some quick chores to get it over with just before the huge line of NASCAR coverage begins. I finish that quick chore, and rush back to the TV, only to realize that it wasn't even on. Why? Because of Tennis.

Wonderful. Just wonderful.

So I sit there and watch the bottom of the screen for updates concerning the coverage. You would think it would be put on ESPN Classic or something like that right?

No. That would be too easy.

I sat there waiting, waiting, and waiting even more. Soon, it was ten minutes that elapsed, then twenty, then a half our, then I was officially ticked.

Now I understand that ESPN did not show it on one of their many channels because they probably couldn't do it due to other contracts and commitments. So I don't blame ESPN directly.


I do think that this shows that something needs to be done about it.


Well, if you haven't noticed, NASCAR seems to get cut out a lot if there is something else "more important" that needs to be shown on TV. This usually happens with the ESPN coverage of NASCAR more than other channels. However, if there was some type of alternative for these situations, it would be nice to have it for all channels.

Now, If you're not a die hard NASCAR fan, you are probably saying, "It's just practice, what's the big deal?" The big deal, is that I am a die hard NASCAR fan, and as many other NASCAR fans know, we just about watch every single show that they put on TV when we are able to.

So, there obviously needs to be some sort of online access. I really don't care what website has it, whether it's nascar.com, foxsports.com, espn.com, or godaddy.com. I think I am with most fans in saying that if it's there, we will watch it.


  1. I felt the same way

  2. Well nothing is going to happen unfortunately unless NASCAR steps in. I'm not sure how much they can do because of the contract situation, but it's worth a shot.

  3. The contract ends in 2014, so that will be when this problem will be over



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