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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

NASCAR Social Media Spotlight: Round 4

Overview: For the year of 2011, NASCAR News And Notes will focus the spotlight on multiple social media pages of a group or person that is connected with NASCAR. Whether it be because of recent news, being in the spotlight, or just because they are connected with social media, many will be posted on this blog to promote their page, add social media stats, or just discuss their on or off track stories.

The recent years of NASCAR has seen more focus being put on the way NASCAR is viewed on Television than ever before. With TV ratings down and track excitement up, many people point to the TV as the main reason for NASCAR's decline.

One man who has revolutionized how we view NASCAR TV is John Daly. Daly, who started The Daly Planet not too many years ago, has been able to create a following of fans through his venture of analyzing NASCAR on Television.

Daly worked for ESPN for quite some time early in his career, but now focuses on the TV business in a different way: as a fan who is not afraid to point out problems with how NASCAR is portrayed each day.

John Daly has been pushing for a plethora of changes with NASCAR TV contracts and agreements such as online streaming, side by side commercial breaks, Sirius Satellite NASCAR streaming, simple techniques that can enhance race coverage, and more. Some of his ideas have been transferred over into TV, some obviously have not. However, he is not afraid to keep pushing.

One of the biggest revolutions that Daly has pushed for is with social media. He continues to argue that social media has been lacking in NASCAR and needs to become more relevant very quickly. He has never been afraid to push on air TV talent to get social media pages, and has even kept asking for more social media interaction between them and fans during telecasts. As a result of his pro social media views, it is right to include him in this social media spotlight blog series.

The Daly Planet has both a Twitter and a Facebook account. Daly's Twitter account has over 4,700 followers as of February 2nd, and the Facebook account has over 1,200 likes as well. This is quite an impressive following.

NASCAR's social media presence is improving, but as John Daly points out, it is far from where it needs to be. As NASCAR's TV contract runs down in the next few years, it is certain that Daly will be watching and no doubt giving his feedback to represent the fans.

Editor's Note: If you may have more information regarding this topic or have future suggestions regarding future topics of this blog series, you can email us at nascarnewsandnotes@gmail.com

Previous Social Media Spotlight blogs:

Round 1: NASCAR The Game 2011
Round 2: Kelley Earnhardt
Round 3: NASCAR On SPEED team

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